Free-Floating Planets
A unique aspect of the microlensing phenomenon is that it does not require the lens object to emit any light of its own. This means microlensing is sensitive to dark objects like black holes, neutron stars, and free-floating planets. Roman is expected to discover between 200 and 1,000 free-floating planets (FFPs). This estimate depends on the true mass function of FFPs which is currently unknown.
Several recent independent studies by RGES PIT members have attempted to estimate the expected yield of FFPs from Roman;
Johnson et al. 2020 conducted
simulations of FFP microlensing events at Roman-like photometric sensitivity. Assuming that FFPs follow the fiducial
mass function of cold, bound planets adapted from Cassan et al., we estimate that Roman will detect ∼250 FFPs with masses down to that of Mars (including ∼60
with masses < M⊕).
Sumi et al. 2023 presented a new estimate of the
mass function for FFPs or very wide orbit planets down to Earth-mass. The study analyzed data from the MOA-II ground-based microlensing survey
between 2006 and 2014. Utlimately, the authors report the FFP occurrence rate may be between 17-21 FFPs per star in the galaxy. The study
estimates that the Roman microlensing survey should detect of order 1,000 FFPs with masses down to that of Mars.